Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What Would A Nerd Wear?

Tribute Post: 
Almost 2 years ago I began blogging, and one of the very first blogs I began to follow was What Would a Nerd Wear. The blog was started by a grad student documenting her outfits as a way to inspire more creative and professional dress... clearly that is right up my ally! Well I just read a post today announcing that she would no longer be continuing the blog- it's a really sad moment to learn that one of your favorite inspiration blogs is saying goodbye... Check out her Goodbye Post. I know it might seem silly to say I will miss someone I don't know- but reading a blog really connects you. I will miss reading the posts a lot. So check out a few photos- and visit her blog for some great fashion inspiration before it is no longer. 

And probably the most helpful post ever: 

My version of the skirt:

Take some time and check out her blog- it's basically amazing! 

**I do not claim to own any of the pictures except the last ;)**

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